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Narodni dom and MMC Kibla


Narodni dom (National Hall) is a neo-renaissance building that serves as the largest event venue for the public institute of the same name. The institute was founded in 1992 and has since become the cultural hub of Maribor. Every year, Narodni dom organises some 1700 different events, which makes it the second biggest organiser of cultural events in Slovenia. Narodni dom is also responsible for the larges open-air festival in summer, the Lent Festival.

Multimedia Cultural Centre Kibla, which also has the seat in Narodni dom, was founded in 1996 and has been focusing on interdisciplinary art activities and the digitization of culture and art ever since. It hosts various exhibitions, performances, musical and AV shows, literary evenings, discussions, modern art festivals, and various other events related to culture, humanities, and modern technology.

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